Faculty and Laboratories

Behavioral Informatics KIM JinhyukAssociate Professor

Field of Expertise Health Informatics, Health Psychology
Main Courses Multivariate Analysis, Data Analytics II, Mathematical and Statistical Modeling

There are fundamental changes in data collection with the recent advancement of information and communication technology (ICT) using mobile devices. Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) is defined as the repeated collection of self-reported information about time changes in a person’s momentary symptoms and behaviors in natural environments. Also, Just-In-Time Adaptive Intervention (JITAI) is an intervention method aiming to deliver appropriate support for behavioral changes and treatments at the right timing/place according to the contexts that individuals experience at the moment. We will examine the mechanisms underlying health-related behaviors and their risk factors by building strong technical and administrative mobile healthcare systems using EMA/JITAI.

Our research interests include 1) development of technical infrastructure for Ecological Momentary Assessment/Ecological Momentary Intervention using mobile technology, 2) development of Intervention elements using health informatics, and 3) evaluation of the effect of intervention using the infrastructure in a diverse range of research and clinical use cases.

KIM JinhyukAssociate Professor

Field of Expertise

Health Informatics, Health Psychology

Main Courses

Multivariate Analysis, Data Analytics II, Mathematical and Statistical Modeling

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